Apply to be a workshop partner

Apply to be a workshop partner

Currently accepting applications thru June, for partnerships August 2024 - July 2025

What We Do

Piper Outreach sends professional writers, who are also trained teaching artists, into diverse community settings to work alongside students of all ages, needs, interests and abilities for free. Our teaching artists work closely with participants to create supportive and vibrant writing spaces that teach, challenge and inspire, encouraging reflection and building critical and creative writing skills and confidence in the power of self-expression.

What We Bring

Piper Writers House will match teaching artists with partner organizations based on their needs, interests, and abilities. Piper will also provide technical support, and open lines of communication. Specific support provided includes: scheduling, coordination, end-of-project celebrations, supplies, and feedback. We strive to build partnerships with organizations who feel valued and supported throughout the lifetime of our collaboration. The workshops we provide aim to enhance the amazing work partner organizations already offer to their participants and open spaces of community healing among workshop attendees.

What You Bring

  • Partners keep open lines of communication with Piper Staff as well as Teaching Artists
  • Partners support logistical needs of programming. This can include: technology support for requested hybrid and online programs, advertising workshop dates and details, keeping Piper and Teaching Artists up-to-date with partner policies.
  • We work from a three-year perspective:
    • Year 1: This is an introductory year for both partners and the Piper Center. We plan and set clear expectations from May-July and execute those expectations from August (current year) to July (following year).
      • Partner organizations contribute 10% of program costs
      • Piper covers 90% of program costs
    • Year 2: We hold debriefing and planning meetings for the second year, using feedback collected throughout the partnership from all constituencies. We revise and agree upon adjusted expectations for the next program year.
      • Partner organizations contribute 25% of program costs
      • Piper covers 75% of program costs
    • Year 3: The partnership is well established and we make minor adjustments as needed, following the same model as previous years. We continue to provide creative and innovative programming each year, responding to constituent needs and interests.
      • Partner organizations contribute 50% of program costs
      • We will never ask for more than 50% monetary support of program costs and we aim to create sustainable partnerships well beyond year 3
      • Piper covers 50% of program costs in perpetuity of the relationship

Thank you! We look forward to cultivating a strong partnership with you.

Partner Application

Current Partners

  • BASIS Scottsdale
  • one*n*ten

Current Teachers

  • Ashanti Files
  • Becca Loggia
  • Chervanna Givens
  • Chris Hoshnic
  • Kianah Brooks
  • Michelle Beaver
  • Michelle Loposky
  • Ryan Files
  • Tiffany Meuret