Hayden's Ferry Review
Over 30 years of publishing history
As part of our larger partnership with the Creative Writing Program at Arizona State University, the Piper Center provides specific support to Hayden's Ferry Review (HFR), a semi-annual, international literary journal edited by MFA in Creative Writing students at Arizona State University
Founded in 1986, Hayden's Ferry Review is internationally recognized as one of the leading literary journals in the field. Pieces have been featured in prestigious collections like Best American Short Stories, Best American Essays, and the Pushcart Prize Anthology. Previous contributors include George Saunders, Haruki Murakami, Rita Dove, Joseph Heller, Peggy Shumaker, Raymond Carver, John Updike, TC Boyle, Lydia Davis, and more.
To purchase copies of the journal or submit your work, visit HFR's website.